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Daoud Kuttab


Daoud Kuttab is a Palestinian journalist and media activist. He is the former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University. Kuttab is currently the Director General of Community Media Network (CMN). Follow him on Twitter: @daoudkuttab

Paradoxically, Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel could generate an equally unprecedented breakthrough for peace in the Middle East, writes Daoud Kuttab.

17 April, 2024

Whilst Israel's targeting of Palestinian Christians has gone on for decades, it is only following the onslaught on Gaza that many have discovered this reality. Now, people must answer their call for an end to Israel's brutality, writes Daoud Kuttab.

06 December, 2023

The Israeli order to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza has stoked fears of a mass expulsion of Palestinians reminiscent of the 1948 Nakba, writes Daoud Kuttab.

20 October, 2023

At the UN General Assembly, the Palestinian president emphasised the need for international accountability and a two-state solution. But he didn't address the elephant in the room: a potential Saudi-Israel deal, writes Daoud Kuttab.

26 September, 2023

From the repeated storming of a Haifa church by Jewish extremists, to attacks on Christians who have been denied entry to sites in Jerusalem whilst wearing a cross, this is all the outcome of Israel’s far-right government, writes Daoud Kuttab.

15 August, 2023

Israel pays a heavy political price whenever it wages attacks on Palestinian worshippers in Al Aqsa Mosque, but the current extremist Israeli government nevertheless continues to push the boundaries of a historical status quo, writes Daoud Kuttab.

15 April, 2023

Extreme-right Israeli national security minister Ben Gvir’s recent presence at Al Aqsa cannot be treated as simply a ‘visit’ given his party stands on a platform of ‘taking control’ of Temple Mount, argues Daoud Kuttab.

09 January, 2023

Morocco’s success in the tournament has united Arabs throughout the Middle East and North Africa behind a common hope. Can the team’s winning strategies do something similar for the region’s politics?

21 December, 2022

Following Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the UN where he reinforced the case for a two-state solution, it is time for the US and other member states who support this plan to finally enact it, writes Daoud Kuttab.

26 September, 2022

In attacking and expelling Palestinians from al-Aqsa during Ramadan, Israeli forces and settlers have violated the status quo at the holy site and disrespected the sanctity of the mosque, writes Daoud Kuttab.

10 May, 2022